Friday 6 June 2008

Convert Your Car to Run on Water. Slap the Oil Magnates Back!

Each time I read in the newspapers about how the trouble in the Middle East is putting gas prices up I start fuming.

First of all, only 23% of the gasoline we use comes from the Middle East.

Secondly, By the time crude oil from the ground has been refined and shipped out to retailers years can have gone by. This is without realising that oil refineries have stockpiled gasoline too.

The gas you pump into your car today comes from supplies possibly, from many years ago. So how come they justify the price rises today?

It’s just another form of rip-off and I have had it.

But I’ve found a way to get back at them and hit them where it hurts.

Their profits!

We all have to use our cars and run our lives and are so dependant on oil that they think they can do what they like and get away with it.

What do you think they will think when their profits are suddenly halved or more?
Maybe they’ll start thinking a bit more about the little guy and dealing with things a little fairer.

So what’s the plan?

Convert your car to run on water!

Simple, fairly inexpensive kits are available that you can very quickly put into use and start getting some seriously better mileage out of your car. You still use gas but less of it.

This means, less trips to the gas stations, right.

Therefore, less profit for the fat cats at the top.

The more people we can get supporting this and starting to use these kits to convert their cars to run on water, then you’ll see the oil companies start to take note and hopefully, change things for the better!

At Run Your Car Cheaper we are committed to finding solutions to this problem. Come visit us and start saving on your gas costs.

Join the free ezine and get a bonus ebook on How to Beat the Gas Pump Monster CLICK HERE

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