Tuesday, 24 June 2008

The joke is on us?

I found these great "gas prices" jokes.

Funny, huh!
Mind you, it's not that funny when it's really happening.
That's why I continue to strive for the best gas saving tips that I can find.
I have reviewed the latest products at www.runyourcarcheaper.com that help deal with the gas problem.
Check it out!

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Everyone Wants a Piece of the Action

The UK has been hit with the increasingly bitter battle that is occuring between the Unions and the fuel industry businesses.

Yet again strike action has been the resort of those involved.

The reason? The oil companies are making so much money, everyone else wants a piece of the pie!

It sickens me that normal everyday people are being scalped by the oil companies and the government and instead of these Unions protesting against that...they are striking because their 6.5% pay increase isn't enough!

If the oil companies back down and pay out the 13.2% the unions are demanding, who do you think is going to have to pay it?

The oil companies? No way. It will get passed on to the consumer in yet another oil price increase.

We have to do something about this sooner rather than later. The only option is to lessen our dependance on oil.

We have put together a guide to every technique and tool I have come across that works to reduce your gas consumption. Visit our website for details.

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Does Driving at 55 Save Gas? Secrets Granny Never Told You

OK. Maybe I’m being a bit hard on grandmothers, but you know the type. Never drive over 55, slow acceleration, early breaking…

Well, Granny may just have the last laugh as she could be saving 25% on her gas costs.

Here are a few tricks that mean you can benefit from what granny knows:

Firstly. Driving at 55 does save gas.

It is well documented that on highway driving every 5 mph over 55 decreases your fuel efficiency by around 3%. So driving at 70 could be costing you almost 10% extra.

Second. Steady as you go.

Keeping calm and taking it easy on the roads not only saves fuel it can save lives. It is a much safer way to drive. Rather than rush to get through the traffic light as it is starting to change and then having to break heavily, just take it easy, break in plenty of time and conserve your gas.

Third. Leave some space.

Tailgating and impatient driving only cost yourself money. The rapid acceleration and emergency breaking that this style of driving requires is coming right out of your pocket in increased cost to you in fuel.

So the question is: Is it worth it?

Wouldn’t you be better off driving at 55 to save gas and then using that extra money to go have some fun? Heck, if you like speeding around in a car spend the money on a day at the racetrack and REALLY get a chance to get your speed demons out!

Hope you like that tip. See the runyourcarcheaper website for more great gas saving advice.

Join the free ezine and stay updated with the latest news and reviews and get a bonus ebook on How to Beat the Gas Pump Monster at http://runyourcarcheaper.com/freeebook.html

Friday, 6 June 2008

Convert Your Car to Run on Water. Slap the Oil Magnates Back!

Each time I read in the newspapers about how the trouble in the Middle East is putting gas prices up I start fuming.

First of all, only 23% of the gasoline we use comes from the Middle East.

Secondly, By the time crude oil from the ground has been refined and shipped out to retailers years can have gone by. This is without realising that oil refineries have stockpiled gasoline too.

The gas you pump into your car today comes from supplies possibly, from many years ago. So how come they justify the price rises today?

It’s just another form of rip-off and I have had it.

But I’ve found a way to get back at them and hit them where it hurts.

Their profits!

We all have to use our cars and run our lives and are so dependant on oil that they think they can do what they like and get away with it.

What do you think they will think when their profits are suddenly halved or more?
Maybe they’ll start thinking a bit more about the little guy and dealing with things a little fairer.

So what’s the plan?

Convert your car to run on water!

Simple, fairly inexpensive kits are available that you can very quickly put into use and start getting some seriously better mileage out of your car. You still use gas but less of it.

This means, less trips to the gas stations, right.

Therefore, less profit for the fat cats at the top.

The more people we can get supporting this and starting to use these kits to convert their cars to run on water, then you’ll see the oil companies start to take note and hopefully, change things for the better!

At Run Your Car Cheaper we are committed to finding solutions to this problem. Come visit us and start saving on your gas costs.

Join the free ezine and get a bonus ebook on How to Beat the Gas Pump Monster CLICK HERE